智阅天地 -The Comeback Kids, Book 5, the Martinez Beavers
本书资料更新时间:2025-01-20 03:45:15

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The Comeback Kids, Book 5, the Martinez Beavers书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781614772125
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:暂无出版时间
  • 页数:暂无页数
  • 价格:暂无价格
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-20 03:45:15


The American Beaver (Castor canadensis) was hunted for its fur, and was eliminated from large portions of its range during the early 19th century. However, this comeback kid made a recovery in the 1940's through a practice of trap and transfer and habitat conservation. Because beaver furs were used to make clothing and top-hats, much of the early exploration of North America was done in the hunt for this industrious beaver. Native peoples and early settlers also ate beaver meat. The current beaver population is estimated to be 10 to 15 million. Since one estimate claims that there may at one time have been as many as 90 million, they still have a way to go. Beavers use everything and waste nothing. They bring more to mother earth than they take and should serve as examples to their human counterparts who are often out to destroy them. They are a keystone species and bring to their habitat a myriad of plants and other creatures as a result of their mere existence as they bring out the city of Martinez (adults and children alike) to delight in them. It is clear if they build it (a dam) many will come. Hats off to poet Penelope Dyan, photographer John Weigand, and beaver advocate/back cover photographer and interior contributor, Heidi Perryman, Phd, for inspiring all of us!













The American Beaver (Castor canadensis) was hunted for its fur, and was eliminated from large portions of its range during the early 19th century. However, this comeback kid made a recovery in the 1940's through a practice of trap and transfer and habitat conservation. Because beaver furs were used to make clothing and top-hats, much of the early exploration of North America was done in the hunt for this industrious beaver. Native peoples and early settlers also ate beaver meat. The current beaver population is estimated to be 10 to 15 million. Since one estimate claims that there may at one time have been as many as 90 million, they still have a way to go. Beavers use everything and waste nothing. They bring more to mother earth than they take and should serve as examples to their human counterparts who are often out to destroy them. They are a keystone species and bring to their habitat a myriad of plants and other creatures as a result of their mere existence as they bring out the city of Martinez (adults and children alike) to delight in them. It is clear if they build it (a dam) many will come. Hats off to poet Penelope Dyan, photographer John Weigand, and beaver advocate/back cover photographer and interior contributor, Heidi Perryman, Phd, for inspiring all of us!


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  • 事实准确性:9分

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  • 下载便捷性:3分


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