智阅天地 -Future of Nostalgia(ISBN=9780465007080)
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Future of Nostalgia(ISBN=9780465007080)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780465007080
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2002-03
  • 页数:432
  • 价格:95.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 更新时间:2025-01-20 04:12:32


What happens to Old World memories in a New World order?

Svetlana Boym opens up a new avenue of inquiry: the study of

nostalgia.. Combining personal memoir, philosophical essay, and

historical analysis, Svetlana Boym explores the spaces of

collective nostalgia that connect national biography and personal

self-fashioning in the twenty-first century. She guides us through

the ruins and construction sites of post-communist cities-St.

Petersburg, Moscow, Berlin, and Prague-and the imagined homelands

of exiles-Benjamin, Nabokov, Mandelstahm, and Brodsky. From

Jurassic Park to the Totalitarian Sculpture Garden, Boym unravels

the threads of this global epidemic of longing and its




Introduction: Taboo on Nostalgia?











Svetlana Boym is a writer and Professor of Slavic and

Comparative Literature at Harvard. She is the author of Common

Places: Mythologies of Everyday Life in Russia and Death in

Quotation Marks: Cultural Myths of the Modern Poet, as well as of

short stories, plays, and a novel. She is a native of St.

Petersburg, and lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.







Nostalgia (from nostos -- return home, and algia -- longing) is a longing for a home that no longer exists or has ever existed. Nostalgia is a sentiment of loss and displacement, but it is also a romance with one's own fantasy. Nostalgic love can only survive in a long-distance relationship. A cinematic image of nostalgia is a double exposure, or a superimposition of two images -- of home and abroad, past and present, dream and everyday life.

In the seventeenth century, nostalgia was considered to be a curable disease, akin to the common cold ... By the twenty-first century, the passing ailment turned into the incurable modern condition.

The ambivalent sentiment permeates twentieth-century popular culture, where technological advances and special effects are frequently used to recreate vis...







怀旧诱惑我们的是它基本的暧昧涵义;怀旧乃是重复不可重复的事物,把非物质现实物质化。Suzan Stewart 写道:“怀旧就是一种重复,它哀悼所有重复的非真实性,否定重复具有定义身份的能力。”怀旧是在时间上图示空间,在空间上图示时间,阻碍主体与客体之间的区分。


怀旧——英语词汇nostalgia来自两个希腊语词,nostos(返乡)和 algia(怀想),是对于某个不再存在或者从来就没有过的家园的向往。

Nostalgia manifests itself in the sensation of pain as denoted in its Greek roots, nostos, meaning "to return home", and algos, "pain" translated into a kind of psychological disorder in the twentieth century. ( Choy, H. (2008). Remapping the Past: fictions of history in Deng’s China, 1979-1997. Brill. )



Book Forum In its distilled essence,... this is a fine book. Eva

Hoffman . . . this moving meditation on the vicissitudes of time,

loss and longing will provoke us to think anew. . . More Reviews

(5) Fewer Reviews Luc Sante A fine book. —Bookforum Marjorie

Perloff Boym's brilliant, witty, ironic, penetrating dissection of

"nostalgia," in all its manifestations—nationalist, diasporic,

exilic, literary, personal—is, above all, deeply moving. Publishers

Weekly The future of nostalgia isn't what it used to be, or at

least it won't be once this book starts making its way through

academic circles. A sort of training manual for the wistful, Boym's

book alternates "between critical reflection and storytelling,

hoping to grasp the rhythm of longing, its enticements and

entrapments"; along the way, the author not only gives new life to

an old idea but also offers a number of original terms that can be

used to describe the experience. The first part of Boym's study

surveys the history of nostalgia as a disease and introduces two

varieties, a "restorative nostalgia" that may contain

conspiratorial elements (the notion that a certain "they" have

destroyed "our" homeland, for example), and a "reflective

nostalgia" that leads to a sense of not being able to go home

again. Part two deals with postcommunist cities such as Moscow and

St. Petersburg (where Boym, now a Harvard professor of Slavic and

comparative literature, worked as a tour guide in the late '70s)

and may be of more interest to pure Russophiles than to

intellectuals in general. The book's third and final section

examines the work of Nabokov, Brodsky and other artists whom Boym

calls, in her most useful contribution to critical vocabulary,

"off-modern." Neither modern nor postmodern, these artists (and

their ranks include such odd ducks from the last century as Igor

Stravinsky, Walter Benjamin, Julio Cort zar and Georges Perec)

"explore side shadows and back alleys rather than the straight road

of progress." Thus the past may be conceptualized in any number of

ways, and apparently, at least according to the author, the only

truly pernicious nostalgia is the prefabricated, Disney-fied kind

that keeps one from thinking about the future. Otherwise, says

Boym, the sky, whether it's the one you see overhead or the one you

remember, is the limit. (Apr.) Forecast: This is an interesting

addition to cultural history, but a bit esoteric, and is unlikely

to find a readerhip outside of the literati. Copyright 2001 Cahners

Business Information. Library Journal The current U.S. craze for

nostalgia runs from automobiles (the PT Cruiser) to fashion (the

return of bell-bottoms) to television (TV Land reruns). Despite

modern technology and conveniences, we enjoy looking back to

yesterday. Boym (Slavic and comparative literature, Harvard Univ.;

Death in Quotation Marks) divides her study of nostalgia into three

parts. In the first section, she examines the history of nostalgia,

once seen as an ailment to be cured. The second part focuses on

cities, specifically Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Berlin, and on

post-Communist memories. In Part 3, Boym probes what she calls the

stories of exile, looking at the writings of Vladimir Nabokov,

Joseph Brodsky, and others who wrote of lost homes. She also

examines how nostalgia affects us today, citing movies like

Jurassic Park and the subsequent interest in dinosaurs. This

multifaceted work gives the reader much to ponder in regard to what

we hold dear. Recommended for larger public libraries and academic

collections. Ron Ratliff, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan Copyright

2001 Cahners Business Information. Booknews In her tour de force

study of a "hypochondria of the heart," Boym (Slavic and

comparative literature, Harvard U.) observes that "nostalgia

inevitably reappears as a defense mechanism in a time of

accelerated rhythms of life and historical upheavals." Combining

memories of life in St. Petersburg with tours of several post-

Communist cities, and historical, philosophical, and aesthetic

analyses, the author explores the ironies of collective nostalgia

(even for


Combining personal memoir, philosophical essay, and historical analysis, Svetlana Boym explores the spaces of collective nostalgia that connect national biography and personal self-fashioning in the twenty-first century. She guides us through the ruins and construction sites of post-communist cities–St. Petersburg, Moscow, Berlin, and Prague–and the imagined homelands of exiles-Benjamin, Nabokov, Mandelstahm, and Brodsky. From Jurassic Park to the Totalitarian Sculpture Garden, Boym unravels the threads of this global epidemic of longing and its antidotes.


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